About the Director
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UCC Director: Dr. Jebaraj Asirvatham (Jeb)
Associate Professor, Southern Illinois University Carbondale
Jeb is an applied economist trained in research methods and works in research areas with overlaps in economics, agricultural finance, and nutrition and health. He has several years of research experience in applying advanced econometric and statistical methods to model the relationships of interest in any research work, particularly in the area of nutrition and health outcomes. In a recent work, he identified causal peer-effects of obese children on the BMI of schoolchildren. He has researched the relationship of food environment and health. In his research work, he uses science-based evidence to model economic relationships. His dissertation research was on behavioral economics of food consumption and nutrition policy, which utilized methods and concepts from economics, psychology, nutrition, and health to understand policy influences and behavioral determinants of nutritional outcomes. In a recent book chapter, he developed mathematical models based on neuroscientific findings to explain dietary behaviors.
He teaches Financial Management in Agriculture and Marketing and Pricing of Agriculture Products covering topics, such as investment analysis or capital budgeting, financial management, and marketing principles.