Associate Degrees
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Students completing an Associate of Arts (AA) or an Associate of Science (AS) degree satisfying the Illinois Articulation Initiative’s General Education Core Curriculum (IAI GECC)* in a baccalaureate-oriented program in an accredited Illinois two-year institution will (a) be accepted with junior standing and (b) be considered to have completed the University Core Curriculum requirements (see The Compact Agreement below). Associate degrees from Illinois institutions that do not satisfy the IAI GECC or associates degrees earned at other than Illinois two-year institutions will be reviewed by Articulation and Evaluation staff. If the degree is determined to be baccalaureate-oriented and to have comparable content and credit hour criteria, the same benefits will be extended to those graduates.
The Compact Agreement
SIU has recognized the Illinois regionally accredited community college transferable baccalaureate oriented Associate of Arts or Associate of Science degrees under the Compact Agreement since 1970. SIU will continue to recognize the baccalaureate oriented associate degree (A.A. or A.S. degree) under the Illinois Articulation Initiative provided that those degrees satisfy all the requirements of the Illinois Articulation Initiative’s General Education Core Curriculum. The Associate in Engineering Science (A.E.S.), the Associate in General Studies (A.G.S.), and the Associate in Fine Arts (A.F.A.), and some Associates of Science degrees do not carry the same benefits as the traditional A.A. and A.S. as described below. Students pursuing an Associate of Science degree are strongly encouraged to check with an academic advisor on their campus to determine whether their degree satisfies all the requirements of the IAI GECC. For more information, contact Articulation and Evaluation. Illinois public community college graduates who hold an A.A. or an A.S. satisfying the requirements of the IAI GECC will be:
1. Admitted to SIU if enrollment occurs after earning the associate degree and prior to coursework attempted at another institution;
2. Considered a junior in class standing; and
3. Evaluated as having completed the SIU University Core Curriculum (general education) requirements required for general graduation purposes. Major courses that are also Core Curriculum courses may not automatically be completed by earning the A.A. or A.S. degree.