Proficiency Credit by Examination
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General Information
Credit, not to exceed thirty hours (fifteen hours toward an associate degree, including credit through the College Board Advanced Placement Program and the College Level Examination Program, may be earned through proficiency examinations. Credit will be considered nonresident. A combined total of forty hours may be earned through proficiency examinations and credit for work experience.
Departmental Exams
All University Core Curriculum courses are available for proficiency credit, subject to the restrictions above. Students should contact the department offering the course for specific information on UCC course proficiency exams.
Credit will be accepted for Defense Activity for Non-Traditional Education Support (DANTES) subject standardized examinations within the limitations enforced for proficiency credit. No credit is allowed for college-level GED tests. The recommendations of the American Council on Education (ACE) as set forth in the U.S. Government bulletin, Guide to the Evaluation of Educational Experiences in the Armed Forces, are followed in evaluating credit possibilities based upon formal service-school training programs.
CLEP, AP, Proficiency Exams
Proficiency credit via General Examinations of the College Level Examination Program (CLEP) or Advanced Placement (AP) is available for some University Core Curriculum requirements. Credit given through the High School AP or CLEP examinations will be nonresident, will not carry a grade, and will not be used in computing the student’s grade point average. The credit will be validated upon receipt and acceptance by Southern Illinois University Carbondale. A charge will be assessed for proficiency examinations taken at Testing Services. Please visit Testing Services at for more information.
International Baccalaureate Program (IB) Exams
The International Baccalaureate Diploma Program sponsored by the International Baccalaureate Organization is a comprehensive and challenging two-year course of study for students of senior high school age leading to final examinations in six subject areas. The Higher Level (HL) courses represent a recommended 240 teaching hours. Students who do not satisfy the requirements of the full Diploma Program or who have elected to take fewer than six subjects are awarded a certificate for the examinations completed. SIU will award proficiency credit to students who have passed the Higher Level (HL) exams with appropriate scores. No credit is awarded for Standard Level (SL) courses. Upon receipt of test scores, the appropriate number of credit hours will be entered on the student’s record. If test scores for new freshmen are received after orientation/registration, the student will need to work with their academic advisor to ensure duplicate curses are not taken.For more information, please see the International Baccalaureate Organization’s website at
Detailed information about the courses for which proficiency credits are available and the exam scores required to receive credits is available at the Alternative Credit Opportunities page in the Undergraduate Catalog.